Usually I always hear that there are certain learn things about life, dating, etc, from men, and I agree. However, I feel that you can learn some vital things from women as well.

  1. Probably not going to be a popular comment but; I’ve learned that women aren’t nearly as complicated as men/society tries to paint them to be. I do believe, broadly speaking, men and women operate on different wave lengths, but all-in-all they can be as simple of creatures just as men are alleged to be.

  2. You can (and should) learn many things from women. We all should. My wife has taught me thousands of things, like how to properly and appropriately empathize with people going through hard situations.

    This question seems kinda dumb, to be honest.

  3. I’ve learned they’re more than capable of the same level of cruelty as men. They can be shallow as us. They can delight in hurt.

    I’ve also learned they’re more open with emotions and we can learn about supporting each other and letting ourselves feel

  4. Probably just to listen more and be there for support, not always try to find a solution to things.

    My response when my wife is venting is 70% “I know” 29% “I can’t believe it either” 1% “why don’t you…?” That last one slips through sometimes

  5. Self-care. To take better care of myself in general – my body, my health, my mental and emotional well-being, etc.

  6. To be honest, the most valuable things I’ve learned from women is how to deal with -and understand- women.

  7. I watch and emulate many female rock climbers. They often use balance and technique over sheer muscle power.

  8. There are many things that can be learned from women. For example, women often possess strong communication skills and the ability to empathetically listen to others. Additionally, women often have a unique perspective on the world and can offer valuable insights and solutions to problems. Ultimately, there is much to be gained from listening to and learning from women in all areas of life.

  9. Its ok to make a mistake, u are not dum for that or a bad person. Just solve it and everything is fine.

    People doesnt care that much about some things men worry about.

    To enjoy little things.

    Its ok to be emotional once on a wile

    They undesrand less about men´s way of beeng, than men about wemen

  10. Damn I’m 6 hours late to this question.

    Thanks to growing up in an environment with more women (home, school, extracurricular) intimate conversations is something I learned. It really helps
    Me connect with anyone I talk to if they are open to it.

    You can really learn much about anyone by building a safe environment for them to open up. Something that is difficult to do with many HS dudes who only talked about sports, video games and titties.

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