Ladies, where do you look for mr right?

I (27m) check most of the boxes women have for men on paper. While I have had success with OLD, It has not produced anything I would want to carry on long term. Plus frankly I feel I am a lot more charming in person than while bunched in with a ton of dudes on some persons phone

If I were to try and talk to women in the real world where should I do it? The whole bar thing seems cliche and I don’t want to harass some lady in the produce isle.


  1. The produce isle is not the worst place to start a conversation. There are so many vegetables there, take your pick which one you want to use as the ice breaker.

  2. Yo I’m similar age, and can give some suggestions in case they might help.

    1. Volunteering. This can be kind of hit or miss, and depends on where you live. Pick something that you would actually be engaged with, not just something you think women would like. I volunteer with animals at an SPCA, mostly because I really like animals. Some places will just have women in their 40s (which might be a vibe) but a lot of the time you can meet cool people with similar interests.

    2. Join a rec league. It can be an active sport like kickball, or something more lowkey like cornhole. A lot of the time you can meet people usually around our age at those kinds of events. Worst case scenario you might just make some more friends.

    3. Take a dance class. This helped with social anxiety, but taking salsa classes helped with meeting people. The classes usually go to things like a ‘salsa night’ at a bar, where it’s not like night club dancing, but more people with a shared expectation. Be warned, try to find groups that are close to your age.

    4. Take classes in something you’re actually interested in, or something you want to learn. Language courses, art, cooking, whatever. Again, people can generally identify when you’re just at a place to meet women. The key is to have fun, and be genuinely interested. It will attract people to that energy.

    5. Join a club with a shared interest. Writers group, trivia group, hiking group, etc.

    These are suggestions that worked for me, but something that I found was actually the biggest advantage as a dude, was making friends and socializing at those events, and doing things for me. A lot of these clubs will socialize together outside of these events, and this can lead to a bigger network of potential partners. This isn’t exactly as obvious, but having a mix of women friends who are both single and in relationships can help vet you for other single people they know. If you’re a genuine dude, this can vet you rather than meeting some random guy in OD.

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