29F. I was invited to a Christmas party by my cousin, but found out at the last minute that it was cancelled due to bad weather. Too bad, but no biggie.

Except I was scrolling on Facebook and found a selfie showing everyone at this “cancelled” party.

Feels pretty crappy. I don’t know if it’s because they dislike me, or maybe my cousin invited me without ok’ing with everyone first (they’re my cousin’s friends), but I wish they would have just told me straight up or not invited me in the first place. I was kind of excited to go because I’m not invited to anything else over the holidays. Now I just feel like a loser.

What do you even do in this situation?

1 comment
  1. It sucks to be deceived. Problem is you don’t know what happened. Not really. So before you go beating yourself up more, ask. Find out what happened. Explain that you saw a picture posted on Facebook and are confused because you thought the party was cancelled.

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