I’m M18 who struggles with ADHD, anxiety, depression, and throughout Covid I took high school online because I wanted to get out of there quick. Doing so I became socially isolated and lost all my social skills. I used to be really outgoing and I envy those time. Currently I’m on a gap year for college, and I’m in desperate need for a connection with someone. Acquaintances, friends, or anything really. I moved a lot when I was a kid so I have no day ones, and all the people I used to talk to just seem like they’ve moved on with their lives.

I want to explore more adventurous activities because I never got a chance, but I am taking skating lessons in January. Other than that I’m basically a video game nerd. Realistically though I’m open to anything and would like to explore other interests and hobbies as well. I’m from Ontario Canada if anyone local is looking for some friends.

I did have a chance to gain a friend but this was the first new person I was habitually talking to in pretty much 2 years. I met a cashier recently, she was real nice and I ended up getting her snap. For the whole two weeks we talked and hung out once, I was just so socially anxious and I really did lose my chance at a real friend and potentially more someday. I didn’t know what I wanted out of it, but I was just so anxious about messing things up that I did mess things up. I over explained myself, always felt the need to validate myself, and overall wasn’t myself. It was a very clear turn off for her. Fast forward to today, we don’t really talk.

Anything anyone has to offer, I appreciate it.

  1. I have depression, anxiety, panic attacks and PTSD, I have been dealing with all of these for years. I’m a grown woman now who wishes I could tell my younger self not to worry about other people before myself. Real friends are great, but when you have so many problems a friend can become a burden. You want someone to be all about you and you can’t return the favor. If you can’t get over the wrong things going on in your life how can help a friend out with their struggles? Take all that effort and focus on being good to yourself, try everything till you find what you like, your good energy will attract others with good energy and people will come to you, not you going to them. Being happy and comfortable with yourself all alone is better than any friendship. 12 years ago I realized I wasn’t a good friend to anyone, I had my own struggles and I put everyone out of my life and no one ever made an effort to check on me, I had just inserted myself in their life, they were ok with it but I was never their priority. It’s been freeing, it’s been peace and less anxiety about making someone else happy when I can’t make myself happy. You are young, there’s so much time later in life, when you’re ready, for friends and lovers. And when you’re ready it’s not the quantity of friends it’s the quality of the people you choose to be in your life.

  2. Join local interest-based communities! They generally ask very little of you in the beginning, because even people with higher social skills are at first nervous and uncertain when they join communities. As you gradually get to know the group, your social skills slowly re-develop, and you can talk more with others.

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