She already showed that she’s really interested in me.
The thing is I’m not really comfortable with… Myself.
After we talked and she asked me if I was interested in dating and gave me her number, I awkwardly touched her on the arm, lol. She leaned towards me, maybe she wanted a see ya hug? But we just met. There was sexual tension and all, but we just met. We talked for like 20 minutes. I didn’t know what to do.
And now I have to pick her up, but I don’t know if I should hug her, or what? Or just wait in the car and open her door without getting out? Or I just get out, greet her, and then get back in the car together?
And when we get there is better to go in and grab a drink or have a walk first, see the city lights and stuff and then go back and grab the drink?
I should maybe know this stuff, already, but the last time I dated a girl was before the pandemy and before having a car. And I was more comfortable with myself then.

  1. You get out and open the door for her, and you greet however feels naturally and comfortable and is socially calibrated to your culture

    Where I’m from, you greet a woman with a kiss of each cheek for example

  2. A hug is fine unless it really feels like it’s not the right move in the moment. But like a friendly hug not a sexual or romantic hug.

  3. Just open the door for her, y’all don’t have to be physically intimate on the first date.

    A hug would be good, but you do what you’re comfortable with.

    Opening the door and being a gentlemen is a great first step though.

  4. However you like and feel most comfortable is preferred. It’s bound to be a bit awkward either way. 🙂 good luck!!! X

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