I’ve heard that most guys as they grow up, learn from their parents how to treat a women. And not that I specifically think I treat women poorly, I just don’t think my parents ever directly taught me. So how should I treat women? Are there any specific rules to always follow or something like that? (feel free to answer how a woman should treat a man too if you feel like it)

  1. Growing up, I was told to put my significant other on a pedestal and treat them like they are my everything. Now that I am older, I realize that we both should be up on the pedestal together. Treat your self and your partner the best you can because nobody else will.

  2. Treat women like how you would want your daughter to be treated. Treat them with respect. Pay attention to little details. This is not only for women but to people in general. Platinum rule: Treat people how they would want to be treated.

  3. As an equal. Not above you or beneath you, but as a person. A lot of guys tend to put them on a pedestal, or treat them bad, but in reality, if you want a good relationship, treat them how you want to be treated.

  4. A man should treat any woman like a potential partner, until they find where they are not compatible, and a woman should treat every man as a potential suitor, because one never knows what kind of person will work best for them in the long term, and to believe that some people are simply *unworthy* of their attention because of insignificant, immaterial differences can cause one to miss their One True Love.

    If you don’t mean in a romantic sense, then treat them like you would desire to be treated, but don’t expect to receive better than you treat others!

  5. We’re talking about a woman you’re with romantically? Show her that you respect her, value her and desire her. In that priority, too.

  6. my dad had a plaque on our property that said something like everday i’ll love you more. that introduced me to the concept that love grows over time. you can build an environment where love grows or dies. i’ve seen both and most likely you have too. do those things and apologize for everything else. practice extreme trust where you tell the other person the things you say you’ll never tell.

  7. I used to think it was just treating them like human beings but I’ve learned through marriage that women are more complicated than that. I should also state everyone is different but this is what I’ve found with my wife.

    It’s overused but a lot of women genuinely just want you to listen and agree, don’t try to fix things she will fix them when she’s good and ready.

    Don’t expect women to be helpless damsels in distress but also don’t expect them to be completely self-sufficient. It’s not that they can’t be self-sufficient they just like it when you are looking for ways to help.

    Never underestimate the power of “basic” displays of affection. Just things like going with her to the store, sitting on the couch and watching her shows with her, taking her out to eat at an old greasy fast food place, ect. can go a long way

  8. It is really different for everyone, but I think some things goes for both women and men, here’s some of them.

    1. Respect.
    With this I mean, listening and holding boundaries with your partner. This is something I think most people value. Respect can also be straight up asking what your partner likes and dislikes from a partner, and then you should do those things, unless you don’t feel comfortable with doing it, then talk about it to come up with a compromise. You’re also important.
    Compromises goes both ways, and should be used for things like showing emotions or ways of showing love.

    2. Communication.
    To be able to stay in a long term relationship with someone you need to communicate. Just like respect, you can straight up ask what your partner likes and dislikes from partners. To keep a relationship healthy you need communication, communication and the feeling that your opinion matters to your partner, can also be a feeling of love and respect.
    Communication can also help avoiding arguments and fights, since you will be able to know what pisses your partner off and what doesn’t.

    3. You should spend time with your partner, and put effort into them and the relationship, this will make them feel appreciated and loved.

    4. Honesty.
    Honesty is also really important. Lies will cone out eventually and can make the person feel like they can’t trust you.

    But you have to remember that, a partner should treat you the same way, it will be tiring if you only give and they take but never gives anything back, and vice versa.

  9. Two parts.

    Women aren’t vet different from men. You should treat a woman no differently than any man.

    If you are talking a partner in a relationship. The simple answer is how do you want to be treated. Then increase it. Respect, care, consideration, communication, listen. Relationships are not about taking but giving. If it’s a healthy relationship the more you give the better it is. If it becomes lopsided, communicate. Make her happy, in all rooms.

    I can ramble on but I think you get the idea.

  10. Dad treated mom like shit. I treat my wife like she’s 1 on the most important people in my life. Because she is.

  11. The same way she treats you, you shouldn’t treat her like a queen if she makes it feel like you’re her servant or something.

  12. Every girl is different so their is no uniform way to treat women in general

    Treat them like people and go case by case

    Some women like a dominating man, some like a lap dog

    Differant folks, differant strokes

    I tend to date submissive girls who like it rough

    Ya know they like me being controlling and aggressive

    I would just recommend that you recognize when someone tends to make problems where their doesn’t need to be one

  13. Women have been DEMANDING “equality” all my life. I treat women as equals. No special favors.

  14. It’s a pretty low bar these days, just don’t be an asshole and don’t hit them and you’re good.

  15. This actually *slightly* misses the important point, I think:

    How does a male learn to treat a female human?

    Not the specific style, but how does the learning happen, where does it come from, see?

    I know that part of the way a male treats female people has to do with how little, or how much, they’ve been forced into knowing what’s inside them, AND that the more testosterone, the *less* it allows one to know what’s in one’s unconscious.

    It’s like a self-awareness-repellant chemical.

    So, exactly as Sam Keen pointed out, in his important “Fire in the Belly”, males *need to be put through .. appropriate-to-one .. adversity, in order to **cause** one’s growing-up*.


    Female people have a different life-cycle ( as is proven by how the women-initiated-divorce-rate has an upward punctuation at menopause: they remain in bad/harmful relationships until their hormones stop sabotaging them, then, suddenly, autonomy activates, & self-protection/self-valuing kicks-in ).

    So, according to the evidence I’ve encountered, the way a male treats female people is a mixture of

    * cultural-learning
    * hormonal distortion of one’s own nervous-system
    * any other distortions of one’s nervous-system, what people call “mental illness”, like autism
    * whatever is activated by the female people one is interacting with

    IOW, “how should one treat a woman” requires seeing these 4 ( possibly others: these are just off the top of my head ) .. seen from which dimension, & seen in what context?


    Here’s an example of how the 4th point is more significant than people might assume…

    Take, as examples of women, something Arterton ( Jenna? Gemma? something ), & r/LenaHeadey ( IF I’ve remembered their names right ).

    I’ll add links, afterwards, to show examples of what I mean…


    ( Well, damn: apparently the Lena Headey subreddit ceased to exist, so my pointing to it is now idiotic??

    Try this, instead, then: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=lena+headey&t=fpas&ia=images&iax=images )

    Take a good look at the *kind of smile* on each of them, & understand the difference-in-nature in the 2 of them…

    Arterton has a kind of passivity in her smile, Lena Headey oft has a kind of *twisted* smile, that, from what I’ve seen, means she’s got *drivenness* in her.

    Should one treat their 2 *different* natures .. identically?

    Or should one be more-passive with Arterton & more-challenging with Headey?

    Allgod’s universal LAW is **reflective**. Christians call it “Sow -> Reap Law”, others simply call it Karma. The meaning that YOUR soul emits into Universe .. YOUR soul is going to reabsorb.

    Arterton’s emitting quiescence into Universe, Headey’s emitting drivenness into it.

    Why would treating them identically, when they emit different natures/meanings, be “sane”?

    Treat each appropriately to their own nature!

    Ah, but that requires quieting the cacophany of one’s own male-unconscious *enough* in order to be able to somewhat-completely *perceive* others, & their nature, doesn’t it?

    So, again, we hit the obstacle of male-ignorance & male-unconscious-mind’s forcing, as much as it can, male ignorance of own-nature & own-meaning…

    Therefore: I think the 1st rule in learning how to treat female people is .. be forced into grinding-through one’s own particular ( for some it’s muscular, for others it’s intellectualist ) version of male-ignorance’s bullying, *until one has been forced into a kind of calm centeredness, within oneself, & **then** one becomes self-competent enough to be having real/profound/complete relationship with woman*.

    I know of zero cultures which work that way, but the *potential* for rich relationship-wealth, heart-wealth, is *so* great, that holding hope still seems sane…

    *Someone* may earn that kind of relationship-meaning, someday…

  16. A man enjoys getting a blowjob very much, so he should treat her the same way and suck her dick too.

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