Lost interest for moving too fast?

Said he lost interest because we were moving too fast

So this guy I have been talking to for almost two months suddenly tells me this. Basically, the first time we talked he immediately was upfront about liking me and wanting to get to know me. He said he wanted to take things slow, I said I am not used to that but that I will try.

A week later he asks about kissing me the next time we see each other. I said I only do that in a relationship to which he says okay lets kiss. The morning after, he says we are moving too fast. I say okay. A week after that he invites me over to his place. Says we can kiss if I want to. We do not kiss that time, but the next time i come over we do kiss. I was the one who kissed him but he said he wanted me to. But that it does not mean we are in a relationship.

Fast forward, I sleep over at his place, we cuddle, we do all the relationship things and have a lot of fun. We do not do anything sexual except some touching here and there. Then, he turns cold overnight. He was all over me but 2 nights ago he turned cold.

Yesterday,he comes up to me says that we moved too fast and that it was a dealbreaker for him. He initiated all of it. Said he had to be friends with someone before starting stuff, but said he liked me first??? I asked him why he didnt communicate. He had no answer. He said his feelings disappeared overnight. I know that is impossible. I did not do anything to make them disappear, 3 days before coming up with this story he wanted me to meet his best friend, told me to leave my stuff at his place so I dont have to carry it around with me anymore. Now he does this.

Asks to be friends after it, as well. I say no. He asks if we can say hi to each other and end on good terms. I ask why does it matter. Says it would be harder if it wasnt like that. I ask him why he acted the way he did just 4 days ago. He says he meant all of it. I said I wanted to leave that day to which he gets very angry about. He acts very offended. Then, when parting ways, we hug since “kissing would be bad for both of us”, but after the hug he comes back to hug me one more time. He sees me with my guy bsf he was acting jealous over 5 minutes after we part ways and say we wont even say hi to each other. He sees us and says “‘bsfs name’ is the best”. We even agreed to not say hi to each other but he had to say something. When parting, we also walked and held hands (something he did not want to do because we werent in a relationship) and then he had the audacity to ask why i was holding his hand just in that moment.

Also, some context, he had a 4 year long relationship without any physical touching prior to this. She texted him on his birthday which was a day before he turned cold. They are not talking or anything but could the text have done something to him? Did he find someone new or is he playing games with me? I genuinely do not think feelings disappear overnight and for a reason as stupid as this. He says he works like that which is literally psychologically impossible without a diagnosis. We had a two month thing which was going amazing and he decides to throw it away for no reason? For going too fast??? Which he initiated???? I am genuinely puzzled as to why men throw away a nice girl and situation out of the blue.

tl;dr: He lost feelings for going too fast which he initiated in the first place.

  1. It sounds like if this relationship continues, you will experience cycles of not meeting his expectations and blame.

    4 years in a relationship without any physical contact? Was he in a cult?

    These are all his issues that you can’t fix. 🚩🚩🚩

  2. The sudden cold shoulder says to me he is dealing with something. Might be a situation with someone else, might also be him grappling with figuring out who he is, or a mental health thing also.

    Forgive a very blunt question as you haven’t listed either your age or his, but are you sure he is straight? If you aren’t teenagers figuring out sex and dating for the first time then I have questions about how little it has physically progressed.

    With all of that said though, being with someone who blows hot and cold isn’t what you want long term. You sound level headed and will likely make a great partner for someone but I don’t think that someone is necessarily this guy..?

  3. May I ask you what are the ages of you both?
    Overall I see some red flags, discuss with him as a first step that this whole situation makes you being in discomfort…
    Asking about your ages, BCS 4 years without physical touching is definitely odd…
    (BTW, English is not my first language).

  4. You deserve to be with someone who wants to be with you, consistently, all the time. Not this back and forth bozo the clown

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