I know this is a time of joy for many with holidays, Christmas parties, friends and family etc. However, for some, it’s also a glaring reminder of what you don’t have in life whether its financial, relationships, stable home or being surrounded by loved ones.

I think for me, what I find joyful is that my kids get presents under the tree and that whole experience which im grateful for (happy for them, grateful to have the money to give them a few small gifts). what I find very tough – is all my family is far away and not generally close with me either and similar to my partners, so its a very quiet and lonely time which typically turns into depression for me having to have conversations with colleagues about all of the Christmas parties I didn’t go to, friends and family I didn’t have coming over etc. I know comparison is awful, but have a hard time keeping my mind business when a week off of work in Christmas mode.



1 comment
  1. 33m, going to be 34. In a new city no friends, no family. Never been in a relationship, well long term, alot of flings. I’m browsing reddit and I’m taking finastride for my baldspot and bad recedding hairline.

    I’ve always wanted kids but I feel like the only option left is surrogacy. This holiday season I’ve come to realize maybe I should start taking meds. I’m afraid to live life and I’m only getting older. Shit sucks.

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