
I am fresh out of a relationship that lasted 2 years. I am a 19m. I spent a lot of time with my ex, and now, since we are broken up, I have 0 social life. All I used to do is work, do my college online, and hang with my girl (ex now). She was my best friend, partner in crime, we did everything together. I don’t have much time to party and make a lot of friends now, since I’m concentrating on my career and money making. I’m so lonely at the moment, I have no body to hang out with. I’ve got a couple of good friends, but now we are getting distant and always busy, so we are only able to see each other ones a month or so.

I want a ride or die person, someone who really cares, and someone I can care about. I don’t have time to make new connections. So all my free time I spend by myself, which is pretty depressing. I know this is stupid, but how can I make new connections with people at this point?
I’m sorry for posting this, I’m just so lost and sad, I feel like texting it out is going to help me.

Thank you!

  1. i feel the same as you man, all my old friends who i used to hang out with daily or weekly and had the best moments with suddenly started ghosting me. at first i thought everyone is busy but then i noticee that they just moved on and got new friends so they dont even bother responding to me anymore.

    i was really depressed for a couple of years. after going through all the messages i sent them i realized that over the span of a year or 2 they either dont respond or just make up excuses.

    the boys who i used to go to raves with all dont feel like hanging out anymore and i wanted to go to a certain rave but noone wanted to join, so i thought fuck it im going alone. so i went alone and just made the most out of it. at that rave i talked to some people and i made some friends. some of them i only chat with and say hi to when i see them at raves. but 2 guys i met at that rave i am still friends with now and we still talk and hang out, they also introduced me to their social circle and invited me to parties, birthdays etc.

    just do whatever the fuck you feel like, friends come and go, so just ride your journey and some people might ride with you for a bit and leave, and some might ride along for a long time

  2. Hey bro, thanks for voicing your thoughts out. it takes lots of clarity and courage to be vulnerable about something so close to your heart. i think this is a good start.

    Putting yourself out there like what the others have suggested definitely would help.

    Have a look at this if you have time, it might help you when you socialize outside: https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/kqaiow/if_you_think_you_are_boring_read_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

    However, if you’re looking for apps to socialize (non-dating apps), you might want to look into Bottled or Slowly if you’re into texting.

    If you’re looking for audio based ones 1-1, try ‘Okepos’

    AppStore: [https://apps.apple.com/app/okepos-make-talking-fun/id1582347500](https://apps.apple.com/app/okepos-make-talking-fun/id1582347500)

    GooglePlay: [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.okepos.app](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.okepos.app)

    Shameless plug, but bcos of the loneliness in colleges after Covid, we created this app to help college students (which includes ourselves) to have more fun in college through 1-1 audio chats. Imagine thor.aya’s stranger 1-1 chats, but for college students, that’s what we’re about.

    Hope it helps! All the best!

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