I’m pretty introvert from my point of view, and find it hard to socialize with new people and am not that confident about myself. My parents on the other side think I’m totally the opposite. I however disagree. I don’t go out, don’t really socialize irl and am alone most of the time.

I am currently in first year of college, doing IT studies. I also play a lot of games. Most of the time I’ll just be staring at my computer screen playing games or working on school. Outside of my project group at college, I don’t really socialize irl. Most of my relationships with friends from either highschool or childhood vanished because of lack of connection and communications, so I’m left with not much.
I should add that I also have a job with very kind and funny collegues, and I really enjoy my time there.

Since I’m feeling a bit alone all of the time I’d like to fill up this void, with either new friends or a girlfriend. However, because I’m pretty introvert, I don’t know where I should start. I’ve never gone to clubs, parties etc. because they just don’t seem like my thing.

I’d love to get advice on both the friends and girlfriend part. Because I feel quite lonely in terms of friends, but I also have plenty of love to give and want to feel loved.


TL;DR: I don’t really socialize and am looking for a way to break the barrier. I feel quite lonely in terms of friends, but I also have plenty of love to give and want to feel loved. and would like to change that.

  1. I don’t think u actually need to socialize much.. just dont think (the ppl whom u wanna socialize with) you actually never really got any attention from them in ur entire life. So whatever you do wont affect them. Just think of exploring the world
    I (19f) am a so called extrovert but it gets tiring after socializing with others.

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