I met a girl yesterday with whom I was talking since a month. We just met and talked for half an hour. While leaving she said bye and brought her hand forward for a handshake but personally I don’t like doing handshake if I know that person. So instead I gave her a side hug. She gladly accepted it but still I don’t know if she was okay with it or not. Should I ask her about it or just let it slide?

  1. Yes ask her what could go wrong if anything I think she will find it comforting to know you care

  2. So I speak only for myself. But I don’t like being touched by someone I have just met even if I like the person (or know them online). In general I am VERY protective of my personal space. I met a guy (acquaintance) who basically only hugs as a greeting and I obliged with a smile but I was extremely uncomfortable. I kinda dread meeting the guy lol.

    To your question, if you are planning to meet again soon, maybe ask at that point instead of reaching for a hug? Like, say something like, I generally hug goodbyes, but I can totally understand if you are not comfortable! If you are not planning to meet soon, then maybe just keep it very light and simple, it doesn’t have to be a big deal. Just make sure you don’t bring up her discomfort, rather frame it as you realized it after the fact that not everyone looks at hugs the same way, so sorry if it was too much or something like that.

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