I didn’t even know what scat was before today, i just feel so disgusted. I can barley talk to her the same at the moment, i’m barley able to look at her. I know i’m a piece of shit for thinking like this, but i just want to break up with her but she’s literally the love of my life. I don’t think she’ll ask me to participate in her fetish but i know she gets off to it and i can’t stop thinking of it.

She doesn’t know that i know she has this fetish, i found it accidently while on our computer, she forgot to clear history and it was just there. I don’t know how to bring it up to her that i know. I’m a piece of shit for being judgmental for her fetish but, she was talking about being really horny today, and near the same times she was looking up this fetish.

  1. YOu’re making a big assumption there- just because that video was in the history on one occurrence doesn’t mean she has a fetish.

    You could ask her about it- let her know that you found a strange video on the computer that you want to ask her about. Try not to be judgemental but ask her if this is something she is into. She may not ever expect you to participate or ever have any intention of experiencing it in real life with any partner. Don’t assume she secretly wants to involve you.

    If it is something that she is into then let her know that it is something that you won’t be able to participate in due to your own feelings but please don’t make her feel judged

  2. Ok so you actually don’t know she has a fetish for scat. A video doesn’t mean… well shit haha.

  3. Okay first try to take a deep breath, and stop judging yourself for being alarmed. This is strange information, and it’s normal to be uncomfortable! You processing your thoughts and feelings, and giving them space to exist within yourself doesn’t harm her, or you. Also be sure to give yourself a sec before you bring it up with her! Take the time you need to process

    Once you’ve been able to process the feelings a bit, try and think about it a bit more, ask yourself some questions. How does this change the way you view her as a person? What part of this is the scariest for you? When you do bring it up to her what would be helpful for you to hear her say?

    Tell her the truth about how you found this info, and how you’re feeling about it as gently as possible. Maybe be a little vague. Use words like “uncomfortable” rather than “disgusted,” but be sure to include “unwilling to participate.”

    Try to remember that she’s the same person she was before you knew this about her, and that her fetish/kink doesn’t change anything about her character. It’s very odd, but it’s harmless. And it may take awhile to digest, but if you do decide to stay with her, now that you know this the initial shock factor is out of the way, and it should get easier

  4. Just because someone watches something in porn world does not mean it is a fetish they have. I have watched some wild stuff with absolutely zero interest in partaking in the activity. Unless she has asked you to do shit related activities, I would not worry.

  5. You’re telling me you’ve never watched a weird fetish video out of curiosity? Even a few seconds of it only to turn it off straight away? I think you may be overreacting here

  6. You let her keep her secret likes to herself. If she ever brings it up in a way that involves you, you can let her know how you feel about it.

    If she’s not squeamish there are benefits…

  7. Blown out of proportion, look at shit video multiple times over a few months, if she not cheating on you and as never ask you then it could be a faze, if not, as long as she a taker ??? I can’t see the problem.

  8. I watch threesome porn almost exclusively yet I know there is absolutely no chance of my girlfriend ever participating in a threesome and it’s no problem to me. Just because you like something it doesn’t mean you can’t live without it

  9. Here’s what you should do about it.

    First day: nothing. Not a damn thing. Don’t mention it, try not to think about it, go about your day as usual. If you don’t feel like having sex with her today, tell her you’re just not in the mood/you’re stressed about Christmas/ anything.

    Second day: think about what you now know about her. Ask yourself the following questions:

    1. Am I now less attracted to her because of what I know?

    2. Is this something we can bounce back from and put behind us?

    3. If she never mentions it, will it continue to be a problem in our relationship?

    Think about these questions. Be honest with yourself. Make up your mind. If you’ve concluded that this is a deal breaker and something you can’t get past, that’s alright. Don’t say anything to her yet. Just make up your mind about it.

    Third day: tell her what you saw and ask her if she has a fetish. There’s a chance she’s not into it at all and only looked at it cause it’s weird (we’ve all seen 2 girls 1 cup, doesn’t mean it turned us on). Tell her that you won’t judge and it’s okay to be honest.

    If it turns out she’s not into it, then good for you. You can now laugh at the whole misunderstanding.

    If it turns out she’s into it, then you already made up your mind on the second day, and now it’s time to be honest with yourself and her. If this is a deal breaker, you have to break up. If it’s not a deal breaker, you can talk to her about how it turns you off but you are willing to work with getting over it because you believe there’s a future for the both of you, but you need some time to get over the shock of knowing.

    Either way, good luck.

  10. I’m sorry but if you’re a peice of shit then she’s deffo super attracted to you dw
    Sorry. Il see myself out

  11. Here’s the deal, if she hasn’t told you about it, it’s not something she wants to do with you. Some kinks are just thought about, never acted upon. She’s the same woman you loved yesterday. Respect her privacy and the only time you need to address it is if she brings it up.

  12. maybe you could give her chocolate and be the most normal couple on the planet? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)

  13. Just because she watched something doesn’t necessary mean she has a fetish for it. Or would even participate it in.

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