Hey guys, holiday break is starting (my last one for high school) and I’m feeling really lost today.

My boyfriend (who is also my closest companion) left and isn’t going to be back until next weekend. He’s the person that I interact with most everyday and the person I enjoy seeing the most. I know I shouldn’t rely on him so much, which is why I decided to go to school on this last day even though he wouldn’t be there. It was really lonely. Most of my very few friends were gone or busy, and everyone seemed to be in friend groups and so happy. I felt like I didn’t belong anywhere and I didn’t have anyone to be happy with.

I tried my best to tough it out, but I had an hour and a half free period and all I could really do was sit by myself in the library. It was really suffocating so finally, I decided to just go home. I’m not particularly excited for this break, I don’t have much planned and I really miss my boyfriend.
I kind of wish I put more effort into making friends, and now I really know what holiday depression feels like.

Do you all have any suggestions for how I could make this time alone more enjoyable/how to make friends in the new year/how are you all feeling right now?

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