Men of Reddit perks of being single and why you choose to remain single?

  1. Not feeling resentment. I have friends (male and female); we can hang out, do stuff, share ideas, talk all the time…but I don’t feel compelled to allow their orbit to change my life. Not going to get scolded for folding towels wrong or leaving clothes in the basket for an extra few days, and likewise don’t have to pick their hair out of the drain or throw away a hundred half filled Starbucks cups.

  2. The biggest perk of them all! No family court.

    I choose to remain single because I’ve been through family court. Never again.

  3. Your free time is your free time, no worrying about date planning and filling dead air. I didnt choose to be single, but i’ve come to realize i lack the discipline and the emotional maturity for a relationship.

  4. Perks of being single:

    All of my time and money…is mine and mine alone

    I don’t have to explain myself to anyone about what I’m doing, where I’m going, who I’m spending time with or talking to, etc…

    I don’t have to worry about fitting someone else into my plans…or, if I don’t *want* to make plans or do anything, I don’t have to either


    No sex

    No companionship

    Nobody to really help out if I’m in a pickle

    Ehh, I think that’s about it

  5. ‘choose’ lol. Life happens. We make choices & dont find out about consequences until later

  6. Prefer to be single than settle for an average looking woman with an average personality.

    I got better things to do than waste time with people like that.

  7. It’s definitely me not being proactive enough. 100%.

    I just don’t go out enough and seek out dates honestly. I’ve only ever asked out 3 girls in my entire life. Had 2 for 3 success rate but I’ve only asked out girls I actually really were attracted to (at the time).

    I’ve never been the type to just go on casual dates or just wing it. It’s something I should work on.

    But I don’t think I have an issue with getting dates if I tried. I just need to try and that’s my fault 100%

    On the plus side, i kee myself busy by working on my goals. In law school right now and working out also

  8. No spending pointless money on stupid baubles like superheated carbon, no nagging every time I want to play video games, no deceit, no manipulation, no heartache after she decides to jet, no walletache after she decides to jet and take half my shit

  9. no responsibility to consider someone else. can’t get a partner in attracted to and can see building a life with.

  10. I could get into a relationship, but it would be a shitty one and with a girl I’m not attracted to. I’d rather be single where I can work on myself and have fun (not be tied down). Once my life is set up and I find the right girl, sure I’ll settle down.

    Being in a relationship is not the answer to happiness: there are a lot of guys in relationships who are miserable unfortunately. So focus on being happy alone first

  11. More time with the hommies and for my self in general. I don’t have the emotional maturity needed to save head space and time for a partner everyday.

    On the last year I filled my self with things to do to a point where I couldn’t have a partner without compromising my free time a lot.

    I will keep having fun until someone “perfect” appears.

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