Disclaimer, if you’re not into hookup culture, this post is not for you, and I’m not addressing you so please don’t shame me lol.

28M. For those that are, I’m interested because I’ve always only been intimate with people I was in serious relationships with. That includes even making out. But I always knew hooking up was happening around me, I just never was a part of it, saw it, or ever knew how to get into it. I didn’t go to regular university which I know is where it happens the most.

But other than that, anyone have any tips on how to break into that lifestyle? I feel like I’m a serial monogamous but I feel like I just want to have that phase in my life, even if only just so I have the experience and can judge the lifestyle for myself.

  1. By meeting alot of women and not being afraid to escalate and take risks. I’ve hooked up with dozens of girls from bars and clubs. Refer to my field reports.

  2. Dudes who are running through a lot of girls off dating apps are typically misleading or lying to them. Women typically don’t want casual sex, particularly not attractive ones. I mean they exist, but people want what they can’t have, and attractive women can get casual sex anytime they want.

  3. Lol hook up culture, are there cities that are built that are influenced by this culture? Are there hook up dictators and nationalists who are pushing to have a world where everyone hooks up? thousands of years of evolution and “culture” that have brought us to an isolated society where the only thing allowed is hooking up. If you’re not into hook up culture this isn’t for you, enroll in the hookup army today. Wars being fought to preserve the hook up culture our ancestors have fought so hard for? No? Weird.

  4. You go to a club, flirt with women, dance with them, go for a kiss, and if successful, take a taxi, and go back to your place, and do it.

    It’s not like people are advertising openly “hey i want to hookup tonight” you just approach some women in a club, make your moves and if one likes you and is horny at that moment, you have a high chance of taking her home.

  5. When I was that stupid? It happened whenever I went anywhere social or even just in public.

    Everywhere you go you are meeting new people. All you gotta do is be relaxed, confident, and have the mindset of “oooh new potential friend” and say hi to people. Not everyone you say hi to will be a potential hook up, but they are all potential friends.

    Some of those new friends happen to be women (in my case) and enjoy sex. Go from there.

    Be friendly > make friends > be honest of intentions > enjoy life

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