Thanks to everyone actually taking their time to read this and answer. Ik I wrote a lot.

I [15M] am finally building courage to ask this girl to be my girlfriend, she’s actually my best friend from 3 years so I’m kinda worried about this being selfish and messing things up.
So we hang out a lot, almost every week, I really love her and want to date her but I’m really afraid that she says yes. I’m planning on telling her at school (probably at the end of the day), since I feel like it’s way better to tell her irl.
We already have a lot of confidence, but it’s friends confidence. So how am I supposed to act next day when I get to see her again? How am I supposed to go through that awkward transition from best friends to an actual couple? How do I know what she will feel comfortable with? What do we even talk about?

Also I know I should maybe ask her out so there is more to do than just talking to eachother, but I don’t know if I’m ready to do that if I can’t even be confident enough to be around her if she says yes.

This may also sound like I’m 100% sure she will say yes, but I’m not (actually 50/50), I just feel like I should be optimistic about this.

  1. Transitioning from friends to dating can be a bit awkward. You two would have to feel it out for a bit, see what feels right. Like do you want to hold hands with each other or be more physically affectionate, or it PDA a no-go, that kinda stuff. Communication is key, so talking about these things openly will help a lot. I hope all goes well for you!

  2. Tell her in real life definately. The next day act like you always do. Smile.
    Just remember she is as nervous as you are, with the same doubts and anxiety.

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