So I’m not quite a 40 year old virgin, but I feel like it sometimes.

I’m currently in a great committed relationship with a man in his early 30s. He’s my second sexual partner, I’m his third. We have had sex a handful of times now, and it has been so good, except I’m not sure he’s actually having orgasms sometimes.

The first time I know he didn’t. We had a ton of foreplay and it was amazing, but in the end he never came and when I casually mentioned it, he said sex isn’t all about orgasms and he was good.

The next two times he definitely did.

The next one was a long, hot, hours of sex marathon….and I don’t know if he ever came. Then the next one it seemed like he did multiple times, but then I started to question it when nothing came out later…and thinking about how quickly he went again after I thought he had come each time.

It always peaks and ends with him seeming satisfied, but now I’m getting self-conscious that he’s not having orgasms. I don’t want to make HIM self-conscious by asking…

Is it possible he just doesn’t ejaculate much and I didn’t see it?

  1. It takes time for ejaculate to build up again. Like filling ups a water balloon. He could still burst the balloon, it just may be less of a splash.

  2. It is possible that he doesn’t ejaculate much. Every person is different and there’s people that ejaculate more that others.

    And when having sex more that one time in a row, he will cum a little bit less and it will decrease the more times he has orgasm.

    You shouldn’t be afraid of telling him this and he is right about sex not being all about orgasms. One example is my rebound relationship with my ex ( current girlfriend but it was ex for a while). We had different sexual experiences when we were single and she mentioned that she’d rather have one hour of sex than having and orgasm in 10 minutes ( I know her weak spots ).

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