Hi everyone! So I feel like this is an area I really struggle with. It’s not really an issue if it’s people I am very close to or have a strong relationship with already outside of these settings – for example, I have two really close uni friends who I regularly speak to/hang out with outside of uni, and now that I’ve graduated I don’t really have any concerns about keeping in contact with them. But there have been a lot of work friends or uni/past school friends who I have gotten along well with while in that setting, but then either drift apart from or quickly lose contact with as soon as I’m not there anymore.

And I completely understand that that’s a normal thing that happens to a lot of people, but I’d also like to know how I could put in the effort to at least try and maintain those relationships. I can be really shy and quiet, and it takes me a long time to form friendships sometimes, and I’ve kind of gotten to a point where I really want to expand my friendship group but don’t know how. I feel weird just messaging them on social media if a long time has passed since we last spoken, and don’t really know if this would be strange or not.

1 comment
  1. A friend of mine did something super cool the day she left the job… Just printing flyers with her phone and insta account so we all could contact her when she was gone.

    Was not like a serious visit card, was more like improvised and funny and the shape of the flyer could be used as a book mark (we work with books). Just an idea.

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