I find very hard to keep an engaging conversation with any girl, in person or over text. I got asked for my number today at the mall and texted the girl. We went back and forth for very little before things got dry. I just can’t seem to keep conversation with them. I don’t know why but I get so anxious even talking to female friends let alone a girl that’s showing me interest. I get so nervous even over text and it makes it hard to talk to them. Even with my ex girlfriend i would face the same problems. (Advice would be greatly appreciated) Also I’m 16 m if that matters

  1. Let’s start with the anxiousness. When did you start getting anxious around girls? And is this exclusive to girls of your age, or would you also struggle when talking to (for example) a female teacher?

  2. You need to see women as humans, and talk to them with that mindset. If you have to issues talking to your male friends, it’s exactly the same.

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