Were you the classic Mary, Joseph, Wise Man or angel? Or were you something a bit strange?

  1. I was Jesus one year. I’ve absolutely no idea how I (cripplingly shy) ended up as bloody Jesus… My brother (Mr look-at-me) meanwhile was a door or something šŸ¤£

  2. I’m pretty sure I was a Russian of some kind. I think everyone got a part and we represented all the nations of the world being present at the nativity. Not very well as everyone was white – so that kind of misses out on a large chunk of the globe.

  3. I don’t even really remember it was so long ago (1960s), lol. I guess I was probably shepherd number 5 or random-passing-bloke number 17 or something.

    I was about 7 years old or something and I don’t think I really knew what was going on.

  4. Herod, and I must’ve been pretty bad because they separated me from everyone else and made me practise at lunch for weeks in advance lol

    I have such great memories of doing this though, we performed at Southwark Cathedral in front of 400 people or so. Good times.

  5. I was a sheep.I had to crouch on all fours with a piece on cardboard over my face with cotton wool on it (70s homemade costumes) and say baah.

    Say baah second, I was the second sheep, the first sheep got to say baah first.

  6. Shepard. Could have been anything else. Wanted to be a Shepard. I was the only Shepard in it, because everyone else wanted to be Angels or Kings

  7. I was one of Herod’s soldiers. There were three of us going door to door looking for babies whilst singing a song. Didn’t realise what we were actually supposed to be doing until a few years later…

  8. I was only ever allowed in the choir for dicking about too much – still traumatising because I would have taken the role of little donkey *extremely* seriously

  9. I was quite good at reading and speaking but naff at acting so I was often the narrator. In a nativity, I was the angel Gabriel.

  10. Joseph, but I got chicken-pox so my best friend (at primary school) got the role.
    We’re still friends though.

  11. We did a Mummers Play and I was Bold Slasher, I got to chop a load of people up before getting necked by St. George.

  12. I once played the desert wind, which involved running up and down the aisles wearing a yellow cape. I think I was supposed to be carrying news of Jesus’ birth to the people of the world, or something.

  13. Every bleeding year: the narrator. Show you can memorise text and recite it once and they never let you do anything else.

  14. I was a strong reader so was always the narrator but wanted to act. Narrator was so boring, I wanted to dress up!

  15. The narrator for every year except the last year of primary when, despite being a girl. I was Joseph. And the narrator, of course.

  16. I was once a star which consisted of holding a torch to my face.

    I was absolutely delighted to be made King Herod though- had a whole paragraph of lines, dressed up as a king, and had the opportunity to be the villain.

  17. Narrator – we had to audition for the part by memorising the first verse. I won. I was 6yo but was an early reader and had to go to a different teacher during ā€œreadingā€ because I had finished all the books. That meant that learning the whole script was not hard for me.

    On the day of the performance I had a very bad head cold, and I am told that I sniffed at the end of every line. Not that I remember thatā€¦

    I wanted to be a treeā€¦

  18. I was Marilyn Monroe and I handed Mary the baby Jesus. Angel Gabriel was Elvis. It was a weird one. I also played a bauble, a mouse and a Mexican elf in other years.

  19. I’ve been a narrator (which was a singing role), the innkeepers wife, and then just in the chorus too!

  20. King Herod. The teacher thought I didn’t have enough to do, so wrote a scene where I ran a creche.

  21. At our school it was just the reception year that did a nativity play. Key stages 1 and 2 each did their own plays. I was a shepherd for mine.

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