Pretty much the title. This is a college friend, was at our wedding and is in the US on a student visa so he has joked before meeting me he could’ve helped her out with that (by marrying her, I guess?)

Now I don’t give a shit if you like a selfie or insta grid post – a like is a like, it isn’t deep. It’s the “😍” heart eye emoji that feels disrespectful-

This is just one of a couple things that has fractured my trust in him. I feel stuck. I can’t bring my feelings up to him without him crying and I end up consoling.

I have family but I can’t go to them nor could I imagine uprooting my adult life to live with them if things didn’t work out- so I feel alone and without anyone to talk to or even be in my corner.


  1. Obviously there is more than just an emoji going on. Sounds like it is time to sit down and take stock of your marriage. Best wishes

  2. There seems to be more going on in your marriage which you need to discuss. The emoji in itself is quite harmless, it’s mostly used for things you find sweet, adorable, not in a romantic way.

  3. If you can afford individual therapy to help you process your feelings and options so you don’t feel so alone, it might help. I got into therapy this last year and it was very helpful for me.

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