incredibly frustrating to blank out or stumble through my words and a couple of hours, minutes, or even seconds later, parse out what i really wanted to say.

i hate that i am a complete human with their own personality, feelings, and thoughts but people only see one side of me, the guarded anxious wreck

  1. It’s not the same hours than seconds… And everybody feels like this sometimes.

    This happens to you with everybody and all the time?

  2. Maybe your preferred medium for talking would be text or messenger so you have more time to respond.

    Also remember that most people don’t really listen. Everyone is thinking about what they will say next.

    Find those that appreciate your conversation style.

    I am a listener and have friends that love to talk. I can get away with asking questions or raising topics.

    I also have some go to conversation starters with people. For instance, my realtor friend, I ask her if she has sold something this week, if she says no, I ask if she listed anything. If she did, I congratulate her every time! Then I ask her if anything interesting happened this week or did she meet anyone new. I literally told her that I will ask her this every time I see her in public to remind people she sells real estate. She loves me!

    Another friend I always ask if he quit his job this week. I always congratulate him for making it another week. He doesn’t know but when he does quit, I’m going to buy him a shot! He hates that job.

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