Hi, very much new here, but as useful as everyone’s advice has been, I’m still at a loss for how to be better.

Basically, I’m 23F and EXTREMELY awkward. When talking with people I’m not very close with, I immediately run out of things to say after about the third thing to say as I were an NPC on a script. I also really struggle with knowing when to respond with what; if saying “Oh no, I’m so sorry!” or another small comment to someone during a long pause on a conversation was a quick time event, I’d fail it every time. I have to hype myself up to talk to others and that takes so long that I end up just quietly smiling and nodding.

I feel like when it comes to speaking with others, I have no substance. I’m not interesting to talk to, have no witty input and struggle determining other’s humor (will often make jokes and people go “Huh?” And I just say “Oh, nothing!” because I don’t know if it’s annoying to reiterate the joke, thereby making things more awkward) among so many other things. I feel completely broken socially.

But when I talk to people I do know, everyone except my partner will interrupt me (or talk over me to change the conversation) or have no real interest in what I’m talking about or what input I have in a conversation. It’s like no matter what I say, it’s irrelevant and borderline annoying. The things I have or want to say come into my mind too slow to flow in conversation, and what I do say just doesn’t seem to matter.

I’m completely confused constantly and have no idea how to become an interesting person that’s fun to talk to and worth knowing. I feel like I’m made of cardboard.

Does anyone have any advice, or am I a lost cause? 😅

1 comment
  1. You are too focused in how people see you instead of enjoying their company.

    There’s nothing bad with people interrupting your speech, that happens in conversations, it’s absolutely normal and you shouldn’t be bothered about it, means nothing at the end.

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