My mom and my step-dad visited me in my college town for Christmas.I have recently developed back problems and my doctor suggested I should not travel for holiday.

My step-dad is the most funny,kind and generous person I have met.I have known him for 10 years.He has never made me uncomfortable.I didn’t have a second thought about letting him stay at my apartment.I knew that he would be respectful not only to me but also my house.

I told my dad that they will both stay at my place when we talked on the phone.I later got a text from him asking for more information like “where does he sleep?” “Did he say anything weird that you are not telling me?” “Did your mom get your permission?”

I told him that he was acting weird and that I was totally aware that he is going to come too.

He then said that I am being rude to him because he is also paying for my apartment and I am disrespectful by making it a “hotel” for anyone.

I didn’t reply and 30 minutes ago I got a text saying “Since you are comfortable with strangers staying at your place a friend of mine will stay there tonight because he is travelling to *** and needs a place to sleep for tonight.I talked with him and planned this.I know him and that’s enough.Get him blankets and towels to shower.”

I haven’t talk to my mom yet and I am right now in the bathroom crying.I can’t believe he is able to do something like this.Even if he is bluffing it’s insane that he wants me to feel scared for my safety because he is mad at me.I am freaking out that my doorbell is going to ring at anytime.

  1. Talk to your mom and stepdad. Your father is putting you in a dangerous and uncomfortable situation when you are medically vulnerable.

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