just a very amatuer here and new to this game or whatever you call it of sexting. i have some questions.

like how do you sext? how do you start the convo? if its with your partner how do you go about it while making it safe (without pictures)? and how do you ease the person into it if you know for sure the other person hasnt done anything like this yet.

1)how to sext, like the topics, discussion or how do you go about it
2)how to ease someone into sexting who hasnt done anything like this before.

  1. This may not be helpful. Usually I start with a situation. Ask some questions like, what would you do if I do this. Text them like what I would do if that person was near me. Then build it up based on the reaction you get from the other end

  2. I usually start flirting over text, if the other person seems interested you can maybe start getting a bit more sexual.

    I usually tell them things I’d love to do to them at that moment, see how they respond.

    The easiest way to sext is to describe a situation, imagine a scenario where you are with this person, what would you do with them?

    Start slow with describing touching and kissing them and then escalate it

  3. For me, I usually start with some flirting and see if the other person seems interested in it. If they seem interested, then maybe slowly start introducing more sexual things while being ready to take a step back and stop if they are not into it. I would also check in during it to ensure the other person is also okay with and into it.

    As others have said, it is easiest to describe a situation with this person and what you would want to do with or to them.

    Definitely start slow with what you are describing.

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