I LOVE sex but have recently gained weight and now it’s hard for me to want to because I feel disgusting. It has nothing to do with my husband. I just don’t feel like the old me. I still want to have sex, but if he touched my stomach etc it ruins it for me. I know I need to loose weight but my new job makes it difficult. What can I do?

  1. Just let your husband appreciate you for you not for your weight. Your weight doesnt define who you are or the attraction he has for you. Hope this helps

  2. A successful weight loss regimen is going to take time, and as you mentioned there’s logistical challenges with your new job.

    In the interim, love your body as it is, and each day just focus on one aspect that you and your husband love about it. Replace each negative thought that comes to mind with the same positive one.

    You’ll find lots of people come in various shapes and sizes, and those that accepts their bodies are more likely to exude a sense of sexual confidence and self desire.

    Repeat after me: “ you are beautiful”

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