I talk to myself all of the time. I try not to be loud enough for people to hear me, but sometimes I stumble and they hear me. When I am by myself in my house I will literally pace around the house and talk to myself. I have a lot of thoughts that run through my mind and I like to speak them out.

However, a lot of people told me that this is weird. Sometimes I’ll do it at work and my manager will ask me “Who are you talking to?”

One time I took my dog to go relieve himself in our backyard. As I was doing it I began talking to myself and my brother yelled out his window and goes “Hey! I can hear you talking to yourself all the way from here.” His bedroom is close to our backyard.

My mom will catch me doing it sometimes and she tells me “Stop talking to yourself.”

I try not to be loud enough for people to hear me. This is a really bad habit that I’ve been doing for a really long time.

I tell people that I think out loud.

However they tell me it’s weird.

What do you guys say?

  1. It’s OK in my book because I do it too! It helps organize my thoughts and vocalize things. Pretty sure there is a quote about it being fine to talk to yourself, its weird when you get a response.

  2. As someone who talks to himself, yes, it’s weird. Who cares? Keep it out of sight of other people as best you can and continue to do whatever is useful to you.

  3. Talking to yourself can be a trauma response for people that grew up in unsafe homes or were lonely. A good conversation with a person I can trust is how I think about it.

  4. All the time, though if other people are in the same building as me ill do so under my breath, never been called out for it

  5. It sounds like a habit like biting your nails, you don’t realize you’re doing it sometimes. But it’s a healthy habit! Talking to yourself can be okay to keep your thoughts organized, maybe try other alternatives too like writing down your thoughts. Keep a small notebook nearby for whenever you need🙂

  6. I do this all the time and I definitely grew up with trauma as well as my own induced trauma that I’ve gone through. Is what it is.

  7. I do the same. I have a lot of thoughts that I want to get out of my head! I spend most of my time alone, so I’m not bothering other people. I try not to do it when I’m in public.

  8. I’m the realest person I kno, so I talk to myself all the time, jus not out loud. I call it having a meeting. Lol

  9. I do it as well. Like you said, i have so many thoughts that it is easier to just talk out loud

  10. Haha, this was like reading my autobiography 😂😂

    Dude, I think out loud all the time, I smile and try to stay on a positive and upbeat state of mind 👌

    It’s not really that weird to think out loud. Now I’m an introvert, I spend a lot of time alone and if I don’t speak to myself, I hardly speak at all.

    But tbh. Why should everyone be “Normal”, life would be so boring if everyone’s the same 🤪

    Stay weird bro, it’s a good thing 😁

  11. Lol actually this is comforting cause I do the same shit. I talk out loud as if someone is next to me sometimes. It helps me process emotions and it helps me organize some thoughts. Lol wear headphones to make people assume you’re talking to someone or that you’re singing along to a song. Whisper if that helps. Write. WRITE! You might not be tapping into your creative potential enough and your body is aching to release some of that energy

  12. Everyone should talk to themselves. It’s generally perceived by society as a trait reserved for mentally ill or unbalanced people but in reality it is much easier to follow trains of thought and organize perspective. If other people care, let them. They obviously need something to bother them.

  13. It’s fine by me, and yes a couple of friends have said it is weird, and yes a couple of people have also thought I was talking to them while mumbling to myself. I see no issues with it, sometimes it’s a way of venting for me, and sometimes it helps me think of how I would solve a problem. In conclusion, it is pretty fine by me.

  14. There is NOTHING wrong with it. Average people that are overly concerned with what others think of them might find it weird – but it’s actually quite normal.

    As long as you know you’re just basically thinking out loud; you’re good…it’s only a concern if you think you’re conversing with someone that’s not really there lol

    Thinking out loud actually helps you organize your thoughts better and helps in clearing your mind. Its actually a positive for your own mental well being.

    I think out loud all the time…just don’t do it in front of people in public places; unless you’re okay with people thinking you’re a little nutty 😂

  15. I talk to myself all the time. Have always done it. I’m very well articulated in my mother tongue and have a great vocabulary.

    My mother always said: “Intelligent people talk to themselves”, so I was never discouraged from doing it.

    Today I find people who claim to never talk to themselves weird.

  16. I have ADHD and talking to myself helps calm down the chaos in my head and its easier to work through my thoughts.

  17. Every single human being that lived/lives talked/talks to themselves. The __only__ difference is some do it internally and some do it externally; and the external ones, some do it when they (think that they) are alone and some do it in the presense of others.

    Anybody says they don’t do it is a liar.

  18. Well I talk to myself a bit to get a boost of confidence, usually in a bathroom like “Okay ShrekONeal, you got this, let’s change the world” or something and do absolutely marvelous. I sometimes just be a bit loud and celebrate like “Yeah bitch! I did it!”. If that makes me weird, then I am weird with pride. You need reassurance and you do it yourself. I think you’re okay man

  19. It is and it isn’t.

    It’s fairly normal for people to occasionally think out loud.

    It’s common for people with anxiety to rehearse conversations before they have them. I do this a lot, if I’m nervous that someone might ask me something uncomfortable I’ll practice how I would respond to it a few times so I can be less nervous seeing that person later on.

    It’s not normal to have conversations with voices in your head. It’s one thing if you’re imagining a conversation with someone out of nerves or just fantasizing about something, but if you are hearing voices that you know aren’t your imagination or seeing people nobody else can see, you should probably talk to a mental health professional because that’s not normal.

  20. It’s not weird. I talk to myself all the time and have the same difficulty when people notice and ask what I said. I just say I was talking to myself lol. I do most of my thinking out loud as well, it’s not just an excuse like I literally can’t sit and think inside my head without wandering away to different random shit.

    Edit: I see people mentioning ADHD, I’ve been wondering about that myself, maybe worth finding out haha

  21. I do this all the time. In my apartment (I live alone) and when I drive. I also call it thinking out loud. For me, sometimes saying a thought out loud lets me know how ridiculous or clever a thought is. You know the expression “it sounded better in my head” when you share your ideas with other people, but as you say it you are like, “what was I thinking?”.

  22. It’s weird. The rest of us have something called internal monologue instead.

    Though a friend once said “Because oneself is the best conversation partner”.

  23. Its okay when your trying to get your thoughts together. The most honest answer you will ever get is from yourself. You know if things are right or wrong and if you should or shouldn’t do it.

  24. I talk to myself all the fucking time. You’re with yourself 24/7. I think it’s important to have a relationship with oneself

  25. As long as you don’t respond back like you’re having a private conversation with yourself, it’s okay! I teach a college gym dance class and to fill up space and cue, it’s recommended we learn to speak to ourselves (or cue the moves) out loud. I find talking to yourself would be a plus in this area. I’m trying to talk to myself out loud more to hear my voice so it’s more comfortable in class.

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