I have had trouble with dating. My friend thinks that it may be my job. I own a shop and pig farm. I make all kinds of smoked meats and artisan high-dollar cuts. My friend who is a girl, says that women don’t want to date a guy who processes cute animals for a living. Would you ladies date a processor? Is this something that would freak women out?

  1. When I saw this post and only read the title, I wondered what kind of new age sex slang term being a “meat processor” was 😂

  2. Why are you calling yourself a meat processor, that’s the most ugliest way to word it.

    Say I’m an entrepreneur, I own a business that processes animal products from production to retail. Sounds way more attractive.

    Also women don’t actually care about your job as long as you’re not broke. Id argue you’re pretty successful with your own farm and shop

  3. i mean as a vegetarian i would have issues with that but i dont think my meat eating girlfriends wouldnt go out with a guy just for that. actually some would be interested bc it might mean that the guy would share yummy stuff with them

  4. Idk seems like a pretty niche career. You’re a business owner, and a butcher, I think you can find some women that dig that.

  5. If it’s a stand-up business that uses best practices, then it’s definitely not an issue for most people. I wouldn’t turn down a date with someone who owned their own business and also cared enough to make good food for people. That’s awesome af. Do you live in an area with a high vegetarian population? Also, how do you spin your job?

  6. I think it’s attractive that you have your own shop and farm. To me it says that you’re hard working, creative and ambitious. Those are all admirable traits.

    Vegetarians are not your target demographic but otherwise I don’t think it matters.

  7. Idk why people are so weirded out by your job. Some people have weird expectations. What do they expect where the meat comes from? Oh well, good like in the dating world. Im sure you will find someone who wont be bothered by it.

  8. I’m a straight dude but you said smoked meats and high dollar cuts, and I questioned my sexuality. Find yourself a foodie. Women who love good food are AMAZING

  9. Meat processor. Wtf. Please do not call yourself that. That is really derogatory in my opinion.
    There is no shame in being a butcher. Someone has to do it and it is necessary job. Butcher might not be a nice word but it is real.

    So many people are disconnected how meat is produced these days. They think it comes in nice clean packaging.

    If a certain woman won’t date you because of your proffesion that is fine and there is nothing wrong in that. It is prefference like any other.

    You have to find mlre down to earth woman.
    Believe in yourself. Good luck.

  10. Nope. Wouldn’t bother me (26F) one bit. The meat in the store comes from somewhere, it doesn’t just get magically grown in a lab or something in the shape of bacon.

  11. I’ve known a few women who grew up on farms. They aren’t so hung up on meat processing since they helped with it.

  12. As a vegan I definitely would not (no offense, I would consider being friends with a meat processor but just couldn’t date) but there are a lot of women out there who wouldn’t care. Some more sensitive meat-eating women probably wouldn’t be down.

  13. I’m a vegetarian who doesn’t judge what others choose to eat, it’s my personal choice and I respect others choice to do whatever works for them. So yes I would date a meat processor

  14. If you’re limiting yourself to urban liberals idk maybe, but there’s a lot of women who would like a man that literally brings home the bacon.

  15. I think there are plenty of women that would be fine with it. I don’t see anything that would be a red flag but I’m sure vegetarians and vegans wouldn’t go near you.
    Maybe you should date more women that hunt? If they’re willing to kill and process a deer then it should be fine that you process animals for a living.

  16. Not really. If you’ve got a good personality then you’re good. It would only freak women out if you were creepy and owned a processor.

  17. Yes. If we clicked, I would date the shit out of you. Hook me up with that meat. 😜

    That’s what she said!

    I probably wouldn’t visit your job site, though.

  18. It’s probably how you’re saying it. I’d mention that you own a pig farm and leave it at that. You don’t need to go into detail into the whole “meat processing” / slaughtering thing. I just think of blood and gore when those terms are used so it’s the opposite sort of talk that leads to me to wanting to get intimate with someone. I actually think it’s cool what you do but some of the imagery that comes to mind is a turn off. I don’t have that issue with the term pig farm. I really think this is a case of giving girls “the ick” that can be avoided by using different terms.

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