I am 28 and an Introvert. Not sure if I am too late but I am unable to go beyond the usual polite greeting. A huge barrier is I don’t know shit about the girl, so what I am supposed to initiate a conversation on. Feeling lost.

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  2. Ask her stuff and then relate something she said to something about yourself or something you’ve done

  3. You have to build your tolerance up for failure to become confident.

    Assume that people like you. Tempted to ask a gym friend if they want to become a happy-hour friend? Assume they do. Want to reconnect with a friend you’ve fallen out of touch with?

    Assume they’re in. When we make this assumption, initiative feels less scary. We’re more likely to take some leaps of faith—and eventually navigate the friendship-making process, and life, with more peace, pleasure, and security.

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