Hey first time poster here, its been a weird year for me and i kind of want to go into the new one with no regrets or anything.

so basically, i work in retail and last year we got helpers join us because of the pandemic and there was this girl, we are both the same age (21) and after getting to know her i fell for her deeply and i liked her for ages, whenever i saw her i had the biggest smile and we got on so well, she left and went to work elsewhere and i was crushed and she also had a boyfriend, but we still kept in touch and everytime i saw her name pop up i was so happy but because of our jobs replies were late and everything. she was just a huge part of my life like mentally and i was wondering if i told her then she would finally know and i can have some sort of closure, as i keep thinking of the what if scenarios, i have gained more confidence since last year and just wanted some help with the situation

  1. IMO don’t do it. You will have more than one crush in your life. It feels super special when it happens but infatuation happens pretty often. She has a boyfriend. Care about her as a person first. Chances are, nothing good will come from you telling her you have a crush on her and it will make things too awkward.

  2. I wouldn’t do it. It would be so awkward and and she might be more distant from you. Just try to maintain the friendship.

  3. No

    Be mature enough to admit that you only want to tell her about the crush because there’s a small chance she’ll say “me too.”

    Let it go. She doesn’t need to hear what you have to say.

  4. I have done this, and nothing good came off it. No particular closure, it just created a tense situation, which if anything made it feel less closed. Closure for me came from moving on.

  5. i would probably mention it after they break up but even if they don’t you should tell them

    ultimately your first priority is to protect the friendship than anything else

  6. The problem here is that this will rewrite her history. You were a friend and super cool co worker. You tell her you were into her and suddenly it’s different. Probably worse. She doesn’t know. She knows and respects you for not interfering with her relationship. The important thing is you kept things cool. Now your thinking about jeopardizing the past for selfish reasons. So the answer is NO.

  7. I never had anything but feeling worse after doing such a thing.
    The only thing I can say to you is don’t put her on such a high pedestal or worship her like it sounds like you’re doing….unless of course she’s into that dominatrix thing or something similar lol…she’s just gonna view this behavior as your insecurities and not be attracted to you sexually at all!
    Sounds like you are already heavily friend zoned. Which absolutely sucks I know, been there a thousand times. If she has a bf you already know the answer anyways, don’t torture yourself and just move on. If you know she is free, you’re gonna have to start flirting with her and acting differently then you have been so that she starts to see you differently, then ask here out on date. Maybe you might get somewhere, But whatever you do, don’t, I repeat DON’T confess your love to her!

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