Alright, I’ve been thinking about this for some time now. A lot of us here are on a journey to improve something that we feel is holding us back. And I appreciate each and every one of you who has made that self realisation and have decided to act on it.

Talking to people is something that I’ve seen a lot of people struggle with. So, why don’t we talk to each other, give each other advice and since most of us are in the same boat there’ll be lil to no judgement.

What I have been thinking is a 10 – 15 min call each day. Of all the people interested, we can pair people up based on availability and timezone.

Once a call is arranged, you get to talk to a complete stranger, and even if you mess up it’s alright. Just make sure you learn from that experience and apply the learnings in the next attempt.

Your conversation could be about anything. A recent book that you read, your job, hobbies, interests, don’t limit yourselves.

At the end of the call, you and your partner can give each other constructive feedbacks and maybe you’ll end up with a new friend.

Would love to hear your thoughts and let me know if **you** would be interested

  1. I’d definitely would be interested. Knowing that someone else is just as uncomfortable as me makes me feel less uncomfortable lol

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