Tnx for the answer in advanced and I hope you have a merry christmas everyone.

Can I still change my life at the age of 21?

  1. Depends how you mean. If you want to make progress in a positive direction, you can do that at any age. You can get in shape, take charge of your personal life, get a better job, etc. If you want to fundamentally reinvent yourself, you can’t really do that past adolescence. You are always going to be you, best bet is to figure out what that means and make the best of it.

  2. I think you need to take parts of your life seriously at all ages. It is okay to have fun at all ages too, as long as you are serious when you need to be. The best time to start is right now. Especially for you OP, 21 is young.

  3. What do you mean “reinvent yourself to a new me”?

    Of course you can do that at any age! Perhaps get therapy, take some classes in whatever direction of self-improvement you’re interested in, and just put in the work every day.

    Clearly you want to do this thing, so having that drive will help you accomplish being a better you. At 21 you’re still a baby, you got 60 more years or so to figure this out.

  4. That varies from person to person. I had to start taking life very seriously at the age of 10.

  5. Depends what you mean give up your dreams of rock stardom or being an astronaunt?
    Yeah if you haven’t made the first steps at 21 probably not going to happen.
    Change your life for the better no.

  6. 25 is when all that little boy shit should be done. No more chasing women and buying 300 dollar sneakers. At that point you have to start financially setting up yourself for success in your future life. The women will follow after you make some smart investments with your time and money.

  7. 30. I hate being a walking stereotype but there it is: I changed my life at 30. Many men dick around in their 20s and turn it around at 30, and I am no exception.

    I had laid some groundwork that served me well, so you need to have something waiting for you.


    > Can I still change my life at the age of 21?

    bruh. If you were 40 wed be having a different conversation. Dont worry if you “can”, because the answer is YES. Worry if you “will”, cause most people dont

  8. Gary Vaynerchuk mentions that you should spend your twenties just trying shit and experimenting, because by time you’re thirty, you’ll have all this experience learning what works and what doesn’t work for you and still be fairly young.


    I also heard a quote that the goal of your twenties is to get to thirty without ruining your life.


    I’ve found both of these quotes to be highly applicable to my own life as I’m looking down the barrel of thirty in the not-so-distant future after a pretty wild ride through my twenties. I think I’ll be alright though.

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