What is the first step that i should do to start getting girls i have no idea specially i dnt know how to act with the opposite sex .

  1. First things first, stop allowing yourself to think that girls are “something to get”. We are not objects and we owe you nothing. Second, just start working on yourself and your confidence and dating will start happening when you’re ready and least expecting it.

  2. First step is personal hygiene and dressing nicely. Then start learning how to introduce yourself. Chicks are just people. They poop, fart, and get sad listening to music sometimes. The best way to get comfortable talking to women is to simply talk to them. Be prepared to be shutdown a lot. Getting rejected is all part of the game. You can’t hit a home run if you don’t swing. So swing every time. Learn jokes and practice interesting small talk and even card tricks.

  3. you need practice. in order to get something, you need practice getting it. hit the apps. go on dates. play it cool. you will learn on the job.

  4. Um no, women while yes are people, they are not “just people”. They have a different chemical balance than men. You have to be subtle with them and also not make them feel vulnerable, at least not until they are ready to feel vulnerable.

  5. 1. Personal Grooming and Hygiene: shower, wear deoderant, brush your teeth, etc.

    2. Style: wear clothes that go together and give you a distinct personal style. or at least wear clothes that will fit you and complement your body type.

    3. Have Self Confidence

    4. Don’t take it too seriously. You are here to have fun. If you get rejected, it will be okay, I promise.

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