– 17, loves a black man, hides it from racist father who eventually finds out and kicks me out
– 18, living with boyfriends mom, got job, paying rent
– 19, got apartment with boyfriend, both working to live, both going to college part time
– 20, different apartment with boyfriend and now toxic roommate, both still working, school, other hobbies
– 21, roommate leaves, both working, school, etc, buy a new car together (shared)
– 22-26, both working to get through school and life in general, working on good savings, trying to fit in side work to find career paths while keeping stability
– 27, been living together long time, settled in relationship, no major bumps, graduation imminent then life can change and begin again (house, baby?) …but then he asks for a ‘break’, he has been constantly talking to another girl even before break, tells her he loves her in less than 6 months after our ‘break’ started, we are ‘stuck’ together in lease, neither have familial safety net, I’m trying to keep the relationship but getting more and more angry and depressed everyday.
– WTF do I do next? I graduate this year and my future fell out from under me. I want him back but at the same time that doesn’t look hopeful. My life feels over, feels like I’ll be alone for the rest of it. It sounds disgusting to put so much of my worth in someone else who doesn’t feel the same but it’s literally impossible for me financially let alone physically to live alone safely.

Please toast don’t roast.

1 comment
  1. 4 years ago I ended a 10 year relationship. We’d been living together for that entire time and owned a house.

    I sold that house, got a new job bought a much nicer house closer to my parents and friends, and married the man of my dreams

    You can start over and be SO much happier, trust me. I was 37 – You have PLENTY of time. It won’t be easy but you deserve a life you love and a man who worships you.

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