Sex isn’t that good without lube I think, what can I do? Have tried water based lube . Thanks

  1. Which lube are you using? Anything glycerin based I’ve found to be sub-par. IMO silicone is best (I prefer Swiss Navy).

  2. Avoid glycerin in lube. Its in a lot of water based, but its causing UTI’s for a lot of girls.

  3. Is it any lube? Have you tried multiple bottles of the same lube? I’m wondering if that bottle may be contaminated with something.

  4. Coconut oil. Has antibacterial properties and tastes good too. Edit to say: obviously don’t use if someone is allergic. And oil based lube will cause condoms to tear, so not a condom friendly lube.

  5. Maybe because lubes that contain glycerines (a simple sugar) are well known for causing issues in people’s bits ?

    Maybe you aren’t washing your hands?

  6. Are your condoms filled with sperrmacidal gel with nonoxynol-9? If so, it’s known to cause UTIs.

  7. Lots of good advice about the lube already so I just wanted to chime in and suggest she goes pee right after sex. It should help lessen the utis.

  8. Please also consider having her go to the DR. For some reason, for about a year, I got UTI almost every time my husband and I had sex. Nothing had changed before, but I saw a dr and it was probably one infection than never totally cleared.

    I got prescribed a solo antibiotic to take every time we had sex for about a year or so, and I haven’t had one since!

  9. Does she pee before and after sex? Does she drink lots of water? I found that doing all these things made me stop having UTIs when my bf stayed over. Maybe it’ll help your gf.

  10. I have found an aloe based lube that I love!!! It’s called aloecadabra and it’s honestly so good and doesn’t give me any irritation… Other lubes give me gnarly vaj pimples.

  11. She needs to always pee and then wash after also, everytime without fail! Lube or no lube!

  12. Do yall use condoms? She may be sensitive to latex! When we use them, my husband and I use Skyn condoms and I have way fewer UTIs.

  13. Try having her take a D-mannose supplement and a strong cranberry supplement. You could also try Uqora it works well for me

  14. check out aloe cadabra, they’re an organic lube that comes in a lot of varieties. it might help you

  15. I got a UTI twice from my ex one after another (right off of antibiotics too) even though I’d shower beforehand and use the restroom after so I know it wasn’t me. He’d come over to my mothers house all sweaty from a motorcycle ride after a shower even when I told him he could shower at my house.

  16. We use Johnson & Johnson baby oil GEL ! It’s in a bottle similar to the famous baby oil, but the squeeze top / pop up lid on the top of the bottle is different. And the lid is either light aqua green or light brown colored (shea butter scented variety). …not pink screw-off like the Baby Oil. It’s a clear and super lubey gel. My wife has never had a UTI when we use that stuff. Used both by my wife squirting the lube on my penis during foreplay/pre sex and giving me a foreplay handjob, and me pleasuring her by hand with the lube on my fingers. So some of it eventually makes it into her vagina and right up next to her urethra and she’s never had issues. Never had a problem with it, and it’s super shiny and slick too. Looks good rubbed all over my wife too.

  17. I had this EXACT problem for several years. I used to use Astro-glide religiously but switched to KY Naturals Gentle it comes in a green tube. I have extremely sensitive skin, and allergies as well and this one is 10000/10000! Never ever had a UTI using it. Good on you for making the effort to help her out with this issue!

  18. Had this issue than started using coconut oil (which can actually help treat and prevent certain infections!) If using condoms, get polyurethane condoms and they are safe to use!

  19. you can try coconut oil, I have found it has been great for my struggles with UTIs. Also it’s very fun to oil each other up 🙂

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