Rakı is the national alcoholic drink of Turkey and it is consumed a specific, traditional way.

We prepare Meze for it and than come together and talk about our lives often our problems while listening traditional music from late Ottoman and early republic era. It is seen as therapeutic for some people. It is the traditional way to drink it.

I am not asking for the alcohol part but does the traditional way we drink sounds familiar to you, do you have a similar tradition with or without alcohol ?

I am asking for traditions, so don’t answer with ” I am talking with friends about their problems”

  1. No, we don’t have a national alcoholic drink (at least not one everybody drinks) and don’t have such traditions. The closest drinking tradition I can think of is on New Year’s Eve we drink some champagne. But this isn’t solely a Dutch tradition of course. But it is the only time in a year most people drink champagne.

  2. We have beer and the only traditions we have surrounding it is that we drink it in a proper glass, and call Dutch or English beer piss.

    We also have Jenever, which most of us only drink at the end/begining of the year during winter markets and New Year’s receptions. Unless you are a sailor, then you drink it after and during your job.

  3. No. We drink mostly beer when I think of “casual drinking” (wine for a nicer dinner), there are rarely any snacks at a beer drinking meet up or party, we definitely don’t listen to any traditional music at all. Life problems may or may not be talked about, I mean people often say that folks open up more when they’re tipsy or drunk but that’s about it.

    At Christmas or Easter people drink akvavit, with specific food. And there’s also glögg, which is hot red wine with spices in it, that people drink during December. But there’s nothing more to it than just that.

  4. I believe that akvavit might be our version. We mostly drink it on holidays where midsummer might be the most common example. People gather for dinner, probably pickled herring, potatoes and lots of other stuff, and now and then people are given a snaps. Before drinking it it’s common to sing a song (called “snapsvisa”), and then repeat it probably too many times during the night.

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