There are no places that play stuff I would listen at home . But I don’t mind passively listening to the stuff they do have and want to go out and socialize you know

In my case I prefer post-hardcore but attending a punk or metal event or bar sounds fun

Is this weird or bad idk

  1. Nope, not at all. In fact, I think a lot, or even most people at a random event/club/bar aren’t diehard fans of the band/genre. I’ve been to hundreds of these, but maybe a dozen were stuff that I genuinely listen to.

  2. Not at all, in fact I think this is normal! A lot of times, I’ve never even heard of the band and their music when I go to stuff like this.

  3. I go to many punk shows and am involved in the overall scene but I don’t listen to it often in my own time. Many of my friends are the same way. No one really cares or would know anyways unless you get close to them in which case they would still likely not care. Go for it!

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