I have a fetish for leather jackets, leather skirts,… It’s hard for me to get hard without this fetish. And my porn has also always involved it as well.

GF thinks it’s not a problem and is happy to go with it, but i have mixed feelings.
I read that “curing” a fetish is very hard/impossible and I also don’t think that’s necessary. It just feels not ok that I need it to feel aroused. I want to be able to enjoy my fetish but not rely on it.

Any tips?

  1. It’s only a problem if it’s affecting your daily life and/or you’re unhappy about it. Theoretically there is nothing wrong with this and why not entertain it. But if it’s concerning you, the only thing that can really help is therapy, and just simply abstaining from using that fetish for a while until you can get hard/cum without it

  2. In my experience (foot fetish guy here) fetishes just get “worst” with time, even tho i enjoy my fetish and i never tried to get rid of it, but in any case, if it’s possible, it will be thanks to professional help, not to Reddit tips. Anyway i wouldn’t bother to spend money and time to a psychologist for that, it’s a really harmless and easy to achieve fetish, your girlfriend it’s ok with it and i doubt that in the future you will find a girl that will say nope to wear a leather jacked at least once in a while

  3. I’m genuinely curious about something. Let’s say you and your partner were traveling and you didn’t have leather nearby. Would you be physically incapable of arousal or would it just take extra effort from your partner to get you going?

  4. Lol. That is a blessing. You know what turns you on! You can indulge with your partner! Both can be happy!

    I wish it were that easy for everyone.

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