There are so many social rules that I have heard of and I am constantly worried about breaking one to the point where I don’t even wanna talk to people because I feel like I’m going to say or do something wrong. When I hear about one it makes me anxious and I feel like I have to follow them to the bone or I’ll be outcast but there are so many different rules for so many different situations. I rarely commit social offenses but I live in constant fear of doing one, being called out about it and being forced to just stay in there with nowhere to go as I bask in my shame. And some people become so rude if you do something wrong and just thinking about someone being absolutely mean to me after I committed one small mistake just makes me anxious and upset. How can I stop being so worried about social rules and rules in general and just feel free while also keeping faux pas to the minimum?

1 comment
  1. Hi, my social anxiety almost disappeared when I started giving myself the love I wanted from other people. I stopped this addiction of external validation and changed that to internal validation. It’s a long process, like anything good in life, but I noticed good chances almost immediately.

    Edit: typo

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