According to Baba Vanga, a blind woman from Bulgaria who could see the future, she said that in 2022

* India would suffer from a locust swarm and all their crops would fail, leading to famine and mass deaths
* An increase in tsuamis and earthquakes in Australia and parts of Asia that causes mass flooding
* A Siberian virus would be released due to the melting Arctic
* Vladimir Putin would become an assassination target within the Kremlin

Further on, she also said that Muslims will become the majority in Europe in 2043 and in 2072, a classless Communist society will thrive in hand with nature…

What are your predictions for 2022?

  1. Baba Vanga will be found having hot steaming sex with several European leader behind closed doors. Pornhub will make millions through streaming that video.

  2. A huge red wave in November. The hurricane season will be mild. I will continue my undefeated run of singleness.

  3. 1. The republicans in the US will win the midterms, democracy around the world will continue to retreat.
    2. There will be a pandemic surge in the fall, people will not care, many more people will die. We will still be stuck with the pandemic.

  4. Russia will use a nuclear weapon and China will take over Taiwan, Hillary Clinton will seize control over the USA, which will break up into different nations Starting a multi-front civil war, which will lead to an apocalyptic war of all nations, mass use of nuclear, chemical, & biological weapons. Global population will be decimated throwing culture back to a preindustrial age existence. It will take another 200 years to achieve the current level of technology.

  5. I predict that none of these things will happen, well i do hope putin is assasinated

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