(22M) Very nervous, idk what to expect. I’m worried about having to fend off drunken people, I’m worried I won’t have anything to say, I’m worried I’ll be overwhelmed and look like a fool. I’ve never sat at a bar and just hung out before, I’m a bit scared.

What should I expect? How can I prepare myself so I’ll just have fun and not be so nervous?

  1. Is this a date? Just be yourself and stop putting your crush on a pedestal/ think their idols because it’s putting a lot of unnecessary pressure on yourself to perform and act a certain way. See them as regular humans

  2. You know, building on what disappointedrasberry said, I have always done best when I just talked to a woman as a person, not as a woman.

    That might sound kind of odd, but as a man it’s easy to feel like you have to perform, and keep a woman entertained, and this definitely puts the pressure on. You still want to show your sense of humor, of course, when appropriate, but as much as possible, just talk.

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