This friend used to be my best friend in high school and one day she just stopped talking to me. idk if i said something or did something but she just stopped. Now, 2 years later just texted me like nothing asking If I could model for her business and she’s also pay. I just need some advice bc i don’t if i should even respond or just do it. people are so weird to me sometimes.

  1. So she’s only contacting you because she wants something from you?

    She wants to pay you to model for her business?

    So it’s still not a friendship- it’s just her wanting something and then what?

  2. Maybe go in with no expectation of friendship and approach professionally get some money, add to your portfolio. If anything progresses from that ( providing you want it to ) it’s a plus considering your used to not having her in your life 👍🏼. Good luck

  3. are you interested in the idea? listen, lots of people experience very strong and captivating things in their lives. when they come up for air and look around they think about the people that they care about and reach out to them. why not reach out as well? what have you to lose?

  4. It’s a business call not a friendship call. If you take the gig no need to talk about friendship. No friend rates. Business is business.

  5. I mean, you were friends in high school n then… lost touch, that’s typical. No sense in burning a potential networking connection or professional bridge over that.

    I’d say only question to ask here is if you’re interested in the gig, n then proceed accordingly as you would with any other job offer.

  6. If you want to model and the pay is fine then what stops you? Money pays your bills.

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