How did you meet your wife or girlfriend?

  1. We worked at a car wash together when I started my freshman year of college. We met August of 2001, she became my girlfriend in June 2002, and we’ve been together ever since. I think the fact that we became great friends before we started dating is why our marriage has been successful.

  2. We met online. Chatted digitally for a couple of months, talked on the phone once, set up a date, and the rest is history.

  3. Our parents met at church when we were tots so we grew up as childhood friends. Even though her family lives out of state now we still manage to see each other somewhat often and have been dating for about 2 years.

  4. We were both in marching band at school. Neither of us was in the pregame show the first game, and she didn’t know where to go. She thought I was also a freshman (actually a senior) and asked if I knew where to go. We ended up sitting together and talking until it was time to go to our sessions.

    Afterwards I found her name out from the band roster, and started talking to her on Facebook. Fast forward a couple years of friendship later, she we started dating, then got married, and have 3 kids.

  5. I worked with my wife’s mother at a hotel event center. She set us up by bringing her and her infant son around all the time.

  6. In my mid 20’s (almost 30 years ago) working for a delivery company and did stop not on my regular route. She was at reception, something she rarely did. Tall, stunning goddess and I was immediately speechless. When I got back to the shop, I asked the regular driver of that stop about her. He didn’t know any women actually worked there. Lol. Next week he got her number for me and eleven weeks later we were engaged. Married 28 years in the spring. It happens to the least deserving sometimes.

  7. I have a friend who went skydiving and some moron landed on top of her. He got a concussion, but lucky for him he looked like the man of her fucking dreams. She describes it as the moment the Angel of Gabriel descended upon her and saved her or some shit. It’s all really awful to be honest, but that’s how they met.

  8. Through my brother’s wife, girlfriend at the time. Kinda crazy it took that long since she lived a block away for a few years and hung out with my best friend and brother for years before we met.

  9. Was taking a math class in college for my degree. The professor put us in small groups based on what part of town we lived it. It turns out she lived right across the street from me. (we had a neighborhood across the street, and she just moved into the first house)

    I didn’t learn a damn thing about Abstract Algebra, but I got a girlfriend out of the class. Been married to her for almost 25 years.

  10. Met at a climbing team practice in college. I had been on the team before COVID nuked it, and she was one of the few freshmen that joined after we were allowed to start up again. Every time I turned around or got off the wall I caught her looking at me, and every time we paired off for top rope/lead drills she’d be next to me before I could even think about who to pair with. Somehow still took my dense ass 3 months to figure out “hey dumbass maybe she’s into you!” That was a little over a year ago and I’m glad I finally put two neurons together and asked her out!

  11. I answered this 13 days ago – so this is Copy/Paste

    In a laundromat. She was braiding up her long hair. I said hi. We were together two years. She was my first Chicana.

    I had a repair shop; she came in. Later she called and asked me out. We went for oysters. She was a Brooklyn shyster.

    I lived with a friend. He had a friend. She came by several times then
    asked me out. She was the best of the bunch … at first. After thirty
    years … not so much.

    I went into a bar in Okinawa. She was a prost. We shacked up for a year. She was my first Asian.

    She dropped by to give me my school assignment (college). She stayed; we banged. Later I learned she’d banged two (!) others that day. If I had
    just known that later when we had the chance to swing with another
    couple – but I didn’t think she’d go for it.

    I lived in a small but nice standalone house. There were four on each
    side of a square. We met in the common backyard. She was Jewish with
    huge breasts. Later she had them surgically reduced … but they grew
    back anyway. She turned to women for love. Was she my first lesbian?

    I went looking for the Reference Librarian. It was downstairs. She was
    the RL. I flirted. Then we shacked up in her house for a year. She was
    my first black; taught me about coffee.

    My friend and I were moving a couple of hundred pounds of pot from Florida to N.J. We stopped at a house where he knew a couple of fat girls. We each had them both that night. (I guess not a “girlfriend/wife”)

    I’ve got a lot more – I’ve lived a LONG life.

  12. Fucked her in the butt at the goth club while “Spin Me Round Like a Record” was playing. It felt so gay, which is funny because we’re both CIS and straight.

  13. Kind of random. This was in high school and we were in class. It was one of those study time/writing and study skills classes and at the time it was a study time that had gotten pretty loud and social. I was checking my email and I saw she had shared a document with me. It was someone else’s science homework document. “Huh. That’s strange.” I had thought.

    Now at the time, I had only barely met her. She was new that year but had made friend with a close friend of mine so we got introduced. I decided to go over to her table that coincidentally had said friend and my best friend. I find out that my best friend had told her to share it to me for no apparent reason. That gets the conversation going and the four of us are talking for the rest of class.

    Fast forward a while, the four of us have our friend group. She starts to make it obvious that she likes me, I do the same, and we end up dating. Still are.

  14. I was on my way over to watch a Packers game at a (female) friend’s dorm. I had been broken up with a long term HS girlfriend for a bit and finally felt like I was free of that baggage. So I’m walking down the hall of the dorm and the game was already going, I hear this girl swearing at the TV. I walk in, and see this curly-haired brunette swearing about an interception that the Packers threw. I said to myself (in my head): yep, she’s the one. I wasn’t wrong. We’ve been together 20+ years and married 15 of those come July.

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