since I’ve had one; what do you do when you’ve had a long, crappy day?

  1. I try to watch something stupid, like a fun movie or serie, play some games online, take a long shower or read a book.

  2. Scream into a pillow, take a long bath with a glass of wine and some cheese or whatever else comfort food I feel like having, and go hang out in a chill Twitch stream.

  3. A shower, a nap, a good cheat meal and a movie, I usually go for those quirky Christmas movies or teen shows or a puzzle.

  4. Eat something comforting, but on a cheesy movie (I’ve got a list of 4 or 5 go to ones), get comfy and just try and relax. I’ll normally get settled in bed and hopefully fall asleep but if it’s still early the sofa and getting comfortable works too.

  5. My cat becomes my therapist – I tell them all my woes, and they just sit there and purr, and before I know it, I’m as calm and bored about it as they are.

  6. well, I shortened my crappy day by using sick time for the last hour and a half, so I could run the errand I’d been stressing about. Stupid headache didn’t go away, but checking that item off the to-do list will help.

    Next I’m going to eat a nice dinner, watch something fun on TV, and maybe do some needlepoint. I’ll have a relaxing shower before bed and read some more of Georgette Heyer’s *Reluctant Widow.*

  7. Send a venting voice message to my best friend, get a bean and cheese burrito and Gatorade, watch Jurassic Park and light some candles and put on my galaxy light, do an easy 20 minute yoga session that focuses on back and shoulders, then take a bubble bath and put on my favorite lotion before getting into bed early. Open a good book and fall asleep reading. I also disconnect from my phone an hour before bed.

    Sometimes I’d rather just crawl into bed, but I find this always makes me feel better and guarantees a good night sleep. And usually a good night sleep makes everything better

    Sorry you’re feeling crappy 🙁

  8. Long bubble bath, order sushi, watch a favorite film or read a book I really want to read no matter how light. I also like cooking, it helps me unwind.

  9. Curl up on the couch with an audiobook and my knitting. My eyes make sure my hands do their work and my mind plays the audiobook like a movie. It really shrinks my world down to a more manageable size.

    I’m sorry today sucked. I hope tomorrow’s better

  10. I find it difficult to cry, even when it would really help me feel better. So I grab a glass of wine and put on a sad movie. I cry like a baby, take a hot bath, and go to sleep.

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