So a month ago, i decided to be more social and just randomly chat old friends that i haven’t been in contact to for years, as well as going to bumble and meeting new people. However, i keep needing to recharge my “social battery” after a couple of engagement with people. I easily get drained and tired after interacting with alot of people be it irl or online. I am an introvert, but i am not a shy person, just easily burned out. I have a lot of people that i haven’t replied to cause i’m just too burned out. Usually i reply at night or a day after once my social battery recharge, but sometimes i would pull out in the middle of conversation because i’m just too tired and my brain can’t keep up with all these conversations going on at the same time! It’s not that i ran out of things to say, in fact usually i know what i wanted to reply but i just chose to delay it cause it’ll just burn me out if i continue it. By no means that i do not enjoy it, i really love comnunicating with people, but i don’t know why that i just get tired and have this feeling to want to ‘withdraw’ from the conversation just to lie down and listen to music.

Did i bite more than i can chew? How do i manage this? I feel bad and guilty for the people i haven’t reply yet, even tho i know that we’re all adults and busy with our own things, but still!

  1. Two things have helped me.

    1: Choose less draining things. Every hangout doesn’t have to be an event. A decent amount of hangouts that I do are just inviting people over to watch TV and we’ll order pizza. I catch up with friends and minimize battery drain.

    2: There are people out there that don’t drain your social battery, and it’s amazing. Find a few of those people to hangout with and you’ll feel more extroverted.

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