I’ve been struggling with mental illness and am worried about how I’m going to explain how I’ve had no friends or relationships even after I heal.

  1. Yes. But not everyone will, and for the ones that do, not all of them will be sympathetic as well. You also don’t need to fully disclose why, you can keep it simple by saying something like “had a rough time the last few years/months,” “been struggling but picking myself back up,” or even “rebuilding my life.” You can choose to tell them later on or not all. One thing I’ve had to learn is you don’t need to give everyone an explanation all the time. Maybe the ones that care for you and you care for, but otherwise you don’t owe them one.

    The most important thing is giving yourself the forgiveness and telling yourself it is a valid reason and that’s okay.

  2. No, It is not a valid excuse in general. Many people, especially people who do have social lives, will NOT tolerate constantly dealing with your mental health issues. You are expected to get the help you need and get it together in life and make yourself respectable. Period. If you refuse to get it together, you will continue to push away people. You have the power to control things in your life. It is on you to execute.

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