Same with women

Make it cool for chicks to say they know you

Everyone is self interested and wants to brag that they know important, controversial or rich people

Do what’s necessary in order to MATTER.

We’re all different

Some are better at playing the money game, others shine in the clout game or even the street game

You must find an angle of attack with the purpose of being USEFUL for others

Maybe you’re a quiet guy but you have a lot of money & business knowledge


Or maybe you’re big and tough with connections in the streets so people want to keep you close in order to feel safe or to have someone to call in times of danger

The idea is

Don’t remain USELESS

Others will get rid of you when you won’t be able to provide any value.

Even if you’re a kid with not so many palpable skills, you can at least be available all the time & willing to resolve tasks for the big G’s around

You cannot expect any help & shortcuts to success unless you’re willing to pay A PRICE

Nothing is for free or obtained by accident.

  1. Facts. If you want more connections, you have to be respectable. Period. Good social skills and your ability to impact or provide value to other people are the things that people notice about you. Show that you are competent and respectable in different areas of your life. Make yourself well rounded and interesting. Chase excellence.

  2. So your only value is what you can do or be for others? As it’s presented, this is a bad take.

    I love the expression “lighting another’s candle doesn’t diminish the flame of your own”. But you have to light your own candle first.

  3. I try to make my friends embarrassed to say they know me and yet somehow I still have friends

  4. I am deeply excited to be friends with my friends. Not because they have something I want though. Simply because they are wonderful people and hanging out with them makes me happy.

    I could not stand five minutes in a room with someone with your attitude though.

  5. >Everyone is self interested and wants to brag that they know important, controversial or rich people


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