I wish I had a bigger family. I literally only have 2 cousins and an aunt that’s it. I’m friends with 2 of my 2nd cousins once removed and 4 of my 1st cousins once removed but no one ever tries to talk to me I have to talk to them. I saw that one of my 2nd cousins once removed was t
Freinds on FB with one of my 2nd cousins for about 7 years before I became friends with him. I just feel like maybe no one even knew I existed before I reached out. I just want to stop trying so hard to know the family and just completely stop talking with everyone including my 2 1st cousins and aunt.

TLDR; I feel left out of my family should I just stop talking to them?

1 comment
  1. Do what’s best for you. I love my mom, and my mom loves the family. So I go to family events and try to participate. If it wasn’t for my mom than I would never talk to them, sadly. I feel like in todays time, blood relatives aren’t as significant. Your family are the friends that you’ve experienced life with.

    I don’t think it’s clear cut as, ‘shut them out’. But if it makes you sad that they don’t engage with you, than don’t go out of your way to engage with them.

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