I met her a month ago. We clicked very fast, and she soon told me how she wanted me to be only hers, and I was okay with being exclusive because I really like her too. She had been feeling off for a few days, I asked her and she told me she wasn’t feeling too good, so I gave her some space thinking she needed it, and today she told me that she had dated a guy to see if other guys apart from me would see her attractive.
This shocked me a lot and I don’t know how to feel or what should I do about it. She told me that her friend kinda forced her to date this guy because she needed to get out more, it seems this friend doesn’t know about me yet. She came back saying that she was sorry and that it wasn’t worth it and it was a mistake, but I don’t know whether to trust her or not.

  1. > She told me that her friend kinda forced her to date this guy because she needed to get out more

    Then I guess she’s not the one at fault here /s.

    Nah that’s a bullshit excuse. I understand wanting validation, but going on a date to get it?

  2. So you’ve been dating for a month, she asked you to be exclusive yet she went on a date with another guy. I can’t really see that as anything else than cheating. I’d cut my losses since it’s only a month in.

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