
I don’t know if this guy is interested or just stringing me along. Is there a way I can get him to admit anything to me?

This was his text to me..

“Hi. Hello 😁”

“Yea FL has been crazy. Work has been chaotic lately but still getting out to the beach fairly often. Getting better at surfing since there’s no snowboarding here lol. Yes, definitely let ya know when I’m coming back in town. Don’t think it’s gonna be this holiday season but sometime within the next 6 months I’ll make the journey home for a week or so. Casual fun sounds amazing.. 😝”

“🤣 it’s ok and no I was absolutely not offended. Basically no guy in the history of, ever, would be offended by that lol. That sounds wonderful exciting and sexy to me. The only problem is I just don’t know when I’m gonna make it back. It believe me I’m tempted to just leave work and go get on a plane right now lol.”

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